When is a bell not a bell?
When is a bell not just a bell? Hopefully this story will give you something to think about when you see and use your bells. Over 10 years ago I met a young man in South Asia that shared his family story with me. We will call him Mark. He is a third-generation bell maker. His grandfather started the business because he saw a need that wasn’t being met. They lived in a small town and Mark’s dad wanted him to have a good education. He enrolled Mark in a Christian boarding school a couple of hours from home where he knew Mark would get a good education and be well taken care of. One day, I was sharing with Mark how we, as Rahab’s Rope, help women and children. Mark then began to share with me his business story. He said, “Vicki, we help women too. Many women in our area have been ostracized from their communities. They may be widowed, single moms and other reasons.” He said, “No one will give them jobs or have anything to do with them and they were struggling so much. We decided to help them. We gave them jobs and taught them how to paint our bells.” I was very impressed with Mark and his heart to help women that were struggling. As time passed, he asked what more I thought he could do to help women in addition to their job. He then made plans to provide childcare and after school tutoring. In a part of the world where women are very mistreated it was great to meet someone who cared. This is the story behind the bells we sell. I have had the opportunity to meet many of the women that paint our bells and sit with them as they work. Bells are often used at Christmastime for many reasons, but the most important one is announcing and recognizing the birth of Christ, our Peace and our Hope. So this Christmas season as you decorate with bells, think of the women that paint the bells for Rahab’s Rope and how this symbol of Peace and Hope represents the same for a group of women that at one point had none. Thank you for your support!