Let the Little Children Come
Jesus Loves the Little Children- All the Children of the World!
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, ... for of such is the kingdom of God." Luke 18
In 2017, the preschool director of children from a slum in a red-light area where we were working asked if we would go with her to her home state and begin a preschool program. I knew nothing about her home state and told her we were helping her in her current location because the school was started in the middle of a red-light area. That is when she told me her best friend from her home state worked with rescuing women on heroin out of the red-light area. I asked questions and learned that the abuse of women and children in her home state was alarming. I traveled with her to see her home and meet her friend that was working with trafficked women. I learned that many children go missing from this region and that eighty percent of the families here are affected by heroin, which all plays into trafficking of women and children. So, in February of 2018 we opened a preschool and began funding a center for women rescued from trafficking that were addicted to drugs and alcohol. Last week I talked about the detox center but this week the focus is on the preschool.
We began in February of 2018, with 2 classrooms, 20 students, and 4 teachers. We now have lower kindergarten, upper kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade. We have 7 teachers, 90 students, and 1 helper. The staff have built a very good reputation in the community and with the local grade schools. Principals from the grade schools’ comment on the excellent education the children from our preschool have received. Parents are wanting us to add 2nd grade to our school. In our current location we have no more room for expansion. Please pray for us as we make decisions going forward. This month the teachers are busy getting the classrooms ready for the new school year which begins in February. I just received these pictures of the teachers hard at work and excited for the new year. And of course, I had to include some past pictures of the children. They are too cute to resist.
Thank you for all you do to support the mission of Rahab's Rope!