Merry Christmas!
“The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.” Luke 1:30-31
The beautiful cornstalk angel above was made by women in our prevention center a couple of years ago. A Christmas team volunteer taught the class. The women loved the angel! What an example of taking throwaway material and making it into something beautiful. Each lady took her angel home with her as a reminder of how God cares for us and takes our brokenness and makes it into something beautiful. Also, the angel serves as a reminder to not be afraid but to trust in God. Over and over in the Bible we read where an angel says, “do not be afraid”. Most women we serve are afraid. They have been so badly treated most of their life and made to feel they have no value. Then at Christmas time we get to openly share how God sent His Son Jesus for all of us. What a powerful reality for women to know that God loves them so much He sent His son into this world for each one of them.
Please pray with us as we share the Good News of Jesus this Christmas season. Our National Staff will be sharing the gospel of Jesus birth across 4 states and 10 separate locations, reaching about 1200 people. The Celebrations will include the Christmas story of Jesus, songs, prayers, skits, dance, parties, picnic’s, food, gifts and more. I can remember one year we asked the women in a large gathering why they came to our program. Many shared the words Peace and Joy. They said it is a joyful day and it is full of peace. It is a day when we don’t have to think about the hardness of life but instead feel the love of Jesus.
If you would like to support our Christmas Outreach please
I thank each of you with all that is within me for the many ways you
support the ministry of Rahab’s Rope.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Thank you for joining us on this journey and all the ways you support the work of Rahab’s Rope!