Good News!
“Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” Psalm 16:8
The Good News of Jesus is spreading deep with the women we serve in the red-light areas. This year we have seen a steady increase in the number of women coming to our centers and joining the various opportunities we offer.
I just received last month’s report from our director working with women that are still being trafficked and women and children that are highly at risk. More and more women are coming regularly to our prayer and worship service. We currently have 53 women joining the services. Our sewing and beauty classes have more than doubled with 17 women currently being trained for sewing and 13 coming to beauty school. We have increased from 8 women learning to read and write to 32. It is very humbling to sit with one of these ladies and watch her proudly write her own name for the first time in her 26 years of life. Thirty women are making our Good Money bracelets. We are now stock-piling them at our warehouse so if you have not bought one NOW is the time. Good Money means the money earned came from a place of dignity. For the first time in their lives, they are feeling dignity and value. We recently partnered with another non-profit organization that is training women to drive auto-rickshaws. Two of our women are learning to drive and hopefully, they will have jobs soon. All of these things are so exciting. Hope, now, for the first time in their lives is a reality for these ladies, not just a dream.
Last month, we provided medicine for 9 of the women that are sick. We just learned that one of our special ladies has tested positive for HIV. We have her on the proper medicines, please pray for her, God knows her name. We helped another lady get her identification card and another one opened a bank account. We also got a child a birth certificate. All these things are huge steps in moving women and children forward and out of the red-light areas. Women are seeing other women succeed and more and more are believing it is possible for them as well.
We have 52 children coming to our center for tutoring. Most of them have never been to school so we are using various methods for teaching. We just began a dance and karate class for them and are looking to bring in a soccer class. We want to keep the children interested in coming to learn and adding to the class things they are interested in.
Prayer Requests from our Director!
Dear Vicki and Supporters of Rahab’s Rope,
Please pray for the ladies coming to our vocational training, that they will learn faithfully and be able to come out of slavery and earn fair wages with dignity. Pray they will know Jesus and be a light to other women.
Pray for the children we serve. Pray for their protection as many live in abusive situations. Pray the love of Jesus will change them inside and out. Pray they can study well and be fruitful.
Pray for the protection of our center and that many will witness the love of God through our staff and the services we provide.
Pray for our staff that God will keep us unified in His spirit. That we will not grow weary in serving. Pray for our wisdom in decision making. Pray that we will always be kind and compassionate in all we do as we serve the women and children of this community.
Thank you!