Clothed with Dignity
Women from the Red Light District
It may sound strange to add part of a verse from Proverbs 31 in line with the women from the red-light area where we minister. However, we are seeing the two come together. The ministry of Rahab’s Rope is not only growing in numbers, in this area, but the women are growing in their knowledge and love for the Lord. A real transformation is taking place. Our vocational training program is working! Our main courses are sewing and beauty school. Women are getting jobs and now believe it is possible to leave the red-light area. While we are still working with them, they are making our Good Money Bracelet and getting paid for each one they make. Last month two of the women shared with our director that they are saving the money they are making and putting it in the bank under their children’s name. These ladies are very encouraged and other women are desiring the same. More women are telling our director they also want to come and learn to make good money. Not only do they want to learn vocational skills, but our numbers are increasing in our prayer and worship service. Faithfully 25 to 35 women come each week for prayer and worship. Three new women joined our service last month. We are seeing their lives change. We are praising God for His faithfulness and mercy. More women, 25 of them, are coming to our Center to learn to read and write. Try to imagine you are a young adult and you have just learned to read and write, you have learned to make good money, you see Hope, you see a Way! We are excited and encouraged to see transformation taking place. These incredibly strong women that were forced into this horrible place when they were little girls were made to believe this was their lot in life. They could never see a way out. Now they believe there is Hope, there is a Way. They are believing what Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Pray! Pray for our staff, for their protection, wisdom and unity. Pray for the women we serve. Pray for them to be brave and strong. Pray for them to trust Jesus; to truly believe He loves them and cares for them. Pray that these women will become the light in the darkness, and all will believe in Jesus. Pray for complete transformation in this community.
Pray that these women will become fully clothed with the dignity of Christ!
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."
Proverbs 31:25