In the month of December, we had Christmas Celebrations in eight locations. One of those locations we work with minor girls that have been rescued from one of several forms of trafficking or an abusive or destitute situation. Typically, there are about 70 girls in the home. Each week we work a case file to help determine the best outcome for one of the girls. Last year we actually worked about 75 repatriation cases for either a minor girl or a young woman.
On the 21st of December we had a fabulous time celebrating the joy of Christmas and the birth of Jesus together as a family with the girls and women at the government homes. There are three homes, two for rescued women and one for minor girls. We began the day by looking back with thanksgiving and appreciation for the year gone by. Every girl, that attends the classes we provide, wanted to share how our teaching had helped in their life. As a surprise the staff also wanted to share. This was all very encouraging for us to know how much our presence had helped them move forward in their lives.
Of course, a Christmas Celebration is not complete without food, gifts and fellowship. This year we gave all the girls and women a pretty box with some jewelry. The girls all loved the special food and gift. It was a wonderful way to spread joy and show the girls and women they are not forgotten during the holiday season. The superintendent even complimented us on all we had done and that we had warmed everyone’s hearts.
Thank you for helping us make this possible for girls and women that have gone through so much heartbreak. Your kindness in giving has made a profound impact! I wish you could all see it firsthand.
Vicki Moore