All the Children of the World
In Mark 10 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Last week we talked about poverty and the role it plays in human trafficking. Lack of education is another risk factor. Many organizations state that education is one of the greatest weapons in fighting human trafficking. Lack of education can increase the vulnerability of children and adults to human trafficking. Without education the consequences for girls can be devastating. Girls without an education are more likely to become child brides, more vulnerable to infectious diseases and more likely to die young. The longer a girl stays in school the less likely she is to be married before 18 years of age. Education plays a major role in what we do at Rahab’s Rope. We tutor children to help place them in school as well as tutoring afterschool to help with homework. When needed we provide partial or full scholarships for school fees. We provide life skill classes for girls and boys. Many of the women we work with that are currently being trafficked as well as those in aftercare are provided literacy classes and vocational training. When women in their twenties learn to read and write, for the first time they can finally see there is hope for their future. Currently, we are tutoring 130 children, life skills for 60 teenagers and 30 women in literacy class.
Today I want to share some of the smiling faces of the children we work with daily. Let us know if you want to go meet them in person.