Where does your strength come from?
Our Strength Comes From The Lord! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13 |
In 2017, I was introduced to a young woman, incredibly strong in her faith, that had been trained for drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation. Her family helped her build a center and she began her program but ran out of funds. We loved her heart for this ministry and decided to partner with her and fund services. The government states that eighty percent of families in this Southeast Asia state are affected by heroin. The ministry has grown with lots of success over the last few years despite tribal turmoil with fighting and killing. The staff are incredible lovers of God and people. I received a report from her last week that covers some events from 2024, and I want to share them with you. The only way everything that was accomplished this year was through the strength they received from the Lord. In 2024, we worked with ninety-four clients. Many completed the program successfully. We have been able to stay connected with thirty of them and they are doing well. Five clients went from our program to a discipleship training program and completed it with success. Two more went for studies in a foundational course for counseling. Unfortunately, two attempted suicides. One was successful and passed away, the other was hospitalized and is doing better. Several of the staff were able to attend retreats and additional educational opportunities in 2024. Some went to a conference hosted by Addictive Behavior Ministry International. Others attended a conference hosted by International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition. These programs are not only educational but renewing and refreshing for the staff. They were able to able to connect with others they had met in the past and make new connections. We are hoping for more staff to be able to attend these types of conferences in 2025. In addition to the daily routines of working with clients we held several local programs. Education is the key to helping prevent abuse of all kinds. We held several seminars on addictions for the community and the police. We hosted a drug awareness program for four villages. There is also a high percentage of domestic violence in this community. Many say they expect domestic violence and don’t know they have legal rights. Programs hosted, Legal Awareness Program on Domestic Violence, Hepatitis Education Program for Police Headquarters, and Direct Legal Services on Drug and Sex Abuse Program. We also brought together Pastors from 22 local churches to equip them with information on services and awareness programs available for them and their congregations. Praises for 2024 and prayer request for 2025. We are praising God for His faithfulness and love we have felt over this ministry in 2024. Amid all the tribal fighting and turmoil, we have seen God’s provisions and protection over the staff and the clients. We are thankful to everyone that has stood with us and supported us both prayerfully and financially. Having water has been an issue and we are thankful we were able to bore a well and buy a generator for pumping the well. Please pray for us as we move into 2025. Pray for wisdom and health for the staff. We would like to send more staff for additional training this year. We need a desktop computer. We would like to increase our indoor activities for our clients by offering table tennis. If you are interested in supporting this part of our ministry please email us at info@rahabsrope.com Thank you all you do to support the ministry of Rahab's Rope! Blessings, Vicki |